The Danish Prison and Probation Service – in brief
Danish Department of Prisons and Probation
'Locking up my rights': Arbitrary arrest, detention and treatment of detainees in Mozambique
Children in Prison in South Africa (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative, 2012)
This report is an update to the situational analysis of children in prison in South Africa prepared by the Community Law Centre in 1997. The Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 (Child Justice Act), promulgated on 1 April 2010, introduced a markedly different child justice regime than that which was previously regulated by the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 and the common law. This development, along with various others which have emerged since 1997 (e.g. child justice jurisprudence and government’s renewed focus on children in conflict with the law), has changed the way in which South Africa’s courts and correctional system deal with children in conflict with the law. Accordingly, an updated analysis on children in prison became necessary.
Marginalized: The Aboriginal Women's experience in Federal Corrections
Assessment of the Prison System in Mogadishu/South Central Somalia
Reforma Procesal Penal y Detención Preventiva en Bolivia
Chad: ‘We are all dying here’ Human Rights Violations in Prisons
Trends in Juvenile Justice State Legislation 2001-2011
National Conference of State Legislatures
Use of solitary confinement in prison: Norwegian law and practice in a human rights perspective
National Institution for Human Rights
Pre-trial Detention in Greece: the Achilles heel of the prison system
Professor Effi Lambropoulou