ICPR undertakes wide-ranging research on prisons and the use of imprisonment, and conducts international, comparative research through its World Prison Research Programme, which aims to inform and promote debate and policy reform in collaboration with a wide network of stakeholders and research partners.
Current work includes:
A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff
Recently completed projects include:
Jarman, Ben and Heard, Catherine (2023) Labouring behind bars: Assessing international law on working prisoners. London: ICPR
Jarman, Ben and Heard, Catherine (2023) Labouring behind bars: Assessing international law on working prisoners. Appendix. London: ICPR
Fair, Helen and Walmsley, Roy (2022) World Female Imprisonment List (5th edition). London: ICPR
Fair, Helen and Walmsley, Roy. (2021) World Prison Population List (13th edition). London, ICPR
Heard, Catherine. (2021) Locked in and locked down – prison life in a pandemic: Evidence from ten countries London: ICPR
Fair, Helen and Jacobson, Jessica (2021) Keeping COVID out of prisons: Approaches in ten countries London: ICPR
Heard, Catherine and Jacobson, Jessica (2021) Sentencing Burglary, Drug Importation and Murder: Evidence from Ten Countries. Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research, London
Heard, Catherine (2020) 'Commentary: Assessing the Global Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Prison Populations.' Victims and Offenders, Volume 15, Issue 6.
Walmsley, Roy (2020) World Pre-trial/Remand Imprisonment List (4th edition) Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research, London
Heard, Catherine and Fair, Helen (2019) Pre-trial detention and its over-use: Evidence from ten countries. Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research, London.
Heard, Catherine (2019) Towards a health-informed approach to penal reform? Evidence from ten countries. Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London
Walmsley, Roy (2018) World Prison Population List (12th edition). Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London
Coyle, Andrew and Fair, Helen (2018) A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff (3rd edition). London, UK: Institute for Criminal Policy Research Birkbeck, University of London
Walmsley, Roy (2017) World Female Imprisonment List (4th edition). Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London
Walmsley, Roy (2017) World Pre-trial/Remand Imprisonment List (3rd edition). Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London
Jacobson, Jessica, Heard, Catherine and Fair, Helen (2017) Prison: evidence of its use and over-use from around the world. Project Report. Institute for Criminal Policy Research & Fair Trials, London